Tuesday, March 6, 2012


So I am currently working on many different projects. I wish that I could just finish one then move to another then on to another. I hear this is a problem for most crafters though. So I am working on a rag quilt that I am using denim and flannels. I am not following any pattern what so ever just putting two fabrics together and sewing. We shall see how it turns out. I will try to figure out how to post a picture on here when I get it completed. I am working on a baby rag quilt for my kids cousin's friend. I made them one a few months ago when they had there son. Then all her friends fell in love with it because it isn't your typical type baby blanket. I use "hunting style" flannels to make the rag quilt. (see the picture above)  I figured it is defiantly a manly man blanket for them to carry there kids around with. I started a bow tie quilt this past summer and I just bought more fabric to make it bigger than I originally planned on. I am thinking that I will be sending it to my sister in law once I am done with it. They have been going through some rough stuff so it will be a good pick me up for them. For her to know that we love them. Then I started a quilt for my best friend but I am still in the cutting faze. I also cut up fabric for a mystery quilt. My sister in law moved in with us for a couple of months so projects were started then put on hold. Then once I got my sewing room back I just started back up with the ones that were closer to being done. Oh and I can't forget my hand project. I have many of these and one day I will get into these.
This past weekend was the huge Sew Expo in the PNW. I went with a friend whom I recently met from a quilting board. She is so awesome. I really like her. We spent seven hours at the expo just going from booth to booth. Talking about our lives, crafts and skills. She belongs to a craft guild not a quilt guild and I really am considering joining her. For one it would be someone I know there and they do more than just quilts. I do like to do craft stuff.
I am hoping by writing about them I can help get myself organized and get projects done. Do you guys find yourself the same way? Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful night.


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